How To Improve Your Front Kick In Taekwondo

The front kick is one of the most basic and versatile techniques in Taekwondo. It can be used for attacking, defending, scoring, or self-defense. However, many practitioners struggle to master this kick and make it work in different situations. In this article, we will share some tips on how to improve your front kick in Taekwondo and make it more powerful, precise, and adaptable.

Technique: The key to a good front kick is to raise your knee high, extend your foot in a straight line, and hit the target with the appropriate tool (such as the ball of the foot, the instep, or the knee). You should also keep your body relaxed, balanced, and aligned, and tense your muscles only at the moment of impact. Additionally, you should use the principles of Taekwondo’s theory of power, such as mass, speed, concentration, reaction force, equilibrium, and breath control, to generate more force and efficiency in your kick.

Target: The front kick can be used to strike various targets on the opponent’s body, such as the face, the solar plexus, the abdomen, the scrotum, the armpit, the floating ribs, the knees, or the coccyx. However, the choice of target depends on the situation and your intention. For example, if you are in a class or a competition, you may have to follow certain rules and etiquette that limit your options. If you are in a self-defense situation, you may want to aim for the most vulnerable and accessible areas to stop the attacker. You should also consider the distance, angle, and movement of the opponent when selecting your target.

Tool: The tool refers to the part of the body that is used to strike the target. For the front kick, there are several tools that you can use, such as the ball of the foot, the instep, the toes, the heel, or the knee. The choice of tool depends on the target, the distance, and the effect you want to achieve. For example, the ball of the foot is good for penetrating and damaging the target, while the instep is good for pushing and sweeping the target. The toes can be used for poking and surprising the target, while the heel can be used for smashing and breaking the target. The knee can be used for close-range and powerful strikes.

Power: The power of the front kick comes from the combination of speed, mass, and concentration. To increase your speed, you should accelerate your body and leg as fast as possible, and use the snap or thrust motion of the kick. To increase your mass, you should put as much of your body weight behind the kick, and use the hip twist and pelvic thrust to drive your leg forward. To increase your concentration, you should focus your force on the smallest area of the target, and use the reaction force of the supporting leg and the opposite arm to enhance your impact.

Flexibility: The flexibility of the front kick refers to the ability to adjust your kick to different heights, directions, and situations. To improve your flexibility, you should stretch your muscles and joints regularly, especially the ones involved in the front kick, such as the toes, ankles, knees, hips, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and core. You should also practice your kick with different tools, targets, and variations, such as the front snap kick, the front thrust kick, the side-front kick, the jumping front kick, the spinning front kick, and the double front kick.

Conditioning: The conditioning of the front kick refers to the process of strengthening and toughening your body and mind for the kick. To condition your body, you should practice your kick with different levels of intensity, impact, and resistance, such as using pads, paddles, bags, bands, weights, or water. You should also condition your tools, such as the ball of the foot, the instep, or the toes, by hitting them against hard surfaces gradually and carefully. To condition your mind, you should practice your kick with confidence, accuracy, and control, and overcome any fear, hesitation, or doubt.

Mr Hollinsworth 6th Degree
International Instructor & Examiner